Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 Little Piggy's

Dennis and Dillon were out bright and early the other morning. They brought me four little piggy's.They're so cute. Dennis just laughed and Dillon rolled his eyes at me. They just don't understand why I would think they are cute. Four little girls all black in color. Most people don't know that pigs are very smart. But over time I will be able to call them by name and they will come to the fence and eat from my hand. You do have to be careful, they have very sharp teeth. I've learned a lot from Dillon about raising pigs and I still have more to learn. Lily don't care to much for them. She will stand there all day and bark if you let her. Bristol just looks at them, he's so laid back nothing much bothers him. As for BB, Bogie and Annie it's just another animal.
If your out by the house stop in and I will introduce you to the cutest piggy's in Uniontown.

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