Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 Little Piggy's

Dennis and Dillon were out bright and early the other morning. They brought me four little piggy's.They're so cute. Dennis just laughed and Dillon rolled his eyes at me. They just don't understand why I would think they are cute. Four little girls all black in color. Most people don't know that pigs are very smart. But over time I will be able to call them by name and they will come to the fence and eat from my hand. You do have to be careful, they have very sharp teeth. I've learned a lot from Dillon about raising pigs and I still have more to learn. Lily don't care to much for them. She will stand there all day and bark if you let her. Bristol just looks at them, he's so laid back nothing much bothers him. As for BB, Bogie and Annie it's just another animal.
If your out by the house stop in and I will introduce you to the cutest piggy's in Uniontown.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The race at Kentucky Speedway was great. Thomas and I enjoyed our date. The track is really nice and from each seat you have an overall view of the track. Thomas knows all about race tracks from all his years of working at MasterSbilt. The facility was designed with the fans in mind. They are adding a new seating section and work was in progress. Now for the best part of the evening...Diamond Rio. As usual they were great. They played at lot of their old music and mixed in a few newer ones. Thomas is not a country music fan, but he did enjoy his self. I do wish I had taken my sign...the one that said. "I'm friends with Scott McKain". That would have caught their attention and maybe I could have gotten back stage. But oh well, we still had an awesome evening just the two of us.
My appointment with the was wonderful news.

Monday, September 13, 2010

getting back to normal....

It was back to work this morning. Leg is on the mend. I was so touched by all my friends that called, sent cards, sent text messages or left gift bags on my porch as I napped in the afternoons. Thomas, Sarah and Sandra were my rock last week. My BFF Linda, bless her heart she brung supper to us one evening.
Cindy and Jill took time off from work, to set in the waiting room and keep the girls company. Thomas kept them all in line from what I hear!! My church family was keeping a vigil with prayer.
I'm blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful caring friends.
It was back to normal as soon as I walked into work. Phone was ringing, folks were coming in and I was to meet with two family's as they needed to choose flowers for their loved one. Customers were asking how I was doing.
I'm off tomorrow (Tuesday) and I meet with the doctor to check on things. Waiting for the test results will drive you crazy. But you just have to have faith and know that things will be fine.
One friend called Sunday and said, the test will come back--all clear!! That's what we are praying for. Yep...just got to have faith.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Finally Friday.....

It's finally Friday and Thomas and I are so looking forward to our three day weekend. We both had to work today and he just called and we were telling each other how our day had been. He said his went pretty fast and mine...well, I designed another casket spray and filled other orders as they came it. We're excited about our date tomorrow at Kentucky Speedway and enjoying Diamond Rio.
We're going to work on our hot tub house and hopefully get it almost done. We have a few other things that we need to get done around the house also. You know how it is you can't wait for a three day weekend and you have a list of things to get done. But at least we will be doing them together.
Next week I will be going in for outpatient surgery, so keep me in your prayers.
I hope everyone has an awesome you all!!