Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It's out with the old...and in with the new.
Some say you get to start all over...wipe the slate clean. Some folks get excited cause they get to write in their new Day Planner. As you begin 2009 remember your family and your friends their what's important. 2009 will bring trials and tribulations but keep your faith, say your prayers before your feet hit the floor in the morning and always tell those that you care about that you love them....May the new year bring you many of God's blessings.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh, the feeling.....

Annie and I headed out the door this morning about 7:30. I was explaining to her that she won't feel a thing till this evening when the medicine wears off. You see Annie had some female matters that needed to be taken care of. Living in a house with three males, there is no place to hid.....
As we entered through the door the Vet Tech greeted Annie with a rub on her back and talked about how much she had grown. Annie was not interested in anything she had to say. Annie just tucked her head in under my jacket as if to ignore her hoping she would go away.
We talked for a few more minutes and I was given instructions on when to return and what to expect. I gave Annie a kiss on the nose and told her to be a big girl and that I would be back later in the afternoon to get her. I gently handed her to the Tech and Annie gave me that look, Please, don't leave me......
I arrived back about 4:30 and was told that she did great and had been sleeping on and off all afternoon. We went over the instructions again and she said, "I'll get Annie for you--she came back empty handed! Seems Annie wanted nothing to do with her and has become very frightened, would I like to come back and pick her up. I rounded the corner and there she was all curled up in the corner of her pen scared to death....I called to her, Annie...sweetie, it's momma, it's ok now were going home. Oh, the feeling...she looked at me and it warmed my heart. That's my mamma's voice--Annie was a happy little girl, she had been surrounded by strangers and then she heard my voice and felt my touch.
Those of you who love your dogs as I do mine know the feeling I'm talking about.....
.....the one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The New Year?

There are just a few days left in 2008 and with that in mind what are your plans for 2009?
Did you live up to all of your plans in 2008? Are you even going to make a list of goals for 2009?
I'm not talking about losing weight or trying to save more money. I'm talking about YOU...what are "you" going to do about yourself. I see so many people who frown on life. Who bitch about anything and everything. They can't find a positive thing to say about anyone or anything. Always a negative person. I can't imagine waking up each day thinking negative thoughts. You can't have a conservation with them cause of their attitude. I find myself not wanting to be around them. I want to be around people who love life and are excited about their day. Maybe I'm getting older, and yes I know I'm changing. I see things differently than I did a few years ago. Now don't get me wrong--I'm no expert and I don't hold a Ph. D in Psychology. But look in the mirror...are you satisfied with your self. Michael Jackson had a song about the man in the mirror.
Are you happy with how you live each day. Would you want to be your friend?
Life is short...and we are only on this earth for an allotted time. Make sure you are the best that you can be. In 2009 work at being a better person, work on that attitude....not everybody is your enemy. Wake up each day thinking positive. You might be surprised how good life can be!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas....

The stocking were hung from the chimney with care in hopes that St.Nicholas soon would be there.....
May the true meaning of Christmas fill your home with warmth....
Merry Christmas from,
Thomas, Sherry, Bristol, Lily, Sgt. Major Bogie, BB and Annie

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Baking...

Well, I think I'm done...I think! I've baked goodies for the last two days. My puppies love it, they all set at my feet just waiting for a sugar cookie to drop. It amazes Thomas when he walks into the kitchen to see them all lined up in a circle around me patiently setting all looking up at me. Maybe Santa will bring me a camera and I can take pictures for you.
Tomorrow I will make my rounds to deliver my cookie goodie boxes. The weather man says the ice will be melted my morning. Others I will try to give them a call and wish them a Merry Christmas.
We are all too busy this time of year and time gets away from us and before you know it Christmas is over.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mom's Fruit Cake

It just wouldn't be Christmas to me if I didn't make my Mom's Fruit Cake. Now, not everyone likes Fruit Cake....I must admit you have to acquire a taste for them.
Ever since I was seven or eight I would always help Mom in the kitchen when she was making her cakes. The recipe calls for ingredients that you normally don't keep on hand. So I got to make the list of ingredients needed. I never could figure out how they made those green cherry's. Mom use to tell me, "they make them just for fruit cakes." That's good cause I just can't imagine finding one on my ice cream sundae.
There are a couple steps in preparing the batter, but it's not as hard as you would think. It does take two hours for it to bake. But the hard part is wrapping and storing it for a couple of weeks. It needs to age to bring out the moisture and that incredible taste.
Mine have been wrapped for five days now. I unwrapped one awhile ago and cut a small slice. The aroma...mmmm and the flavor....oh, my.....
these are going to be good. In another week they will even be better.
Give me a call, I will bring you a slice over!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Precious stories...

With both of my parents in their early 80's I try to visit them every day. Now that I moved my floral business to my home I have more time to spend with them. The other afternoon Daddy and I was in his shop. Daddy had his feet propped up relaxing in his favorite chair and I was holding down the swing. I ask him about how him and Mom met each other. Daddy said the first time he laid eye's on her his heart melted. "Prettiest girl in town" he said with a big grin.He begin to fill me in on the first few months they were dating. He said one evening after about six months of dating he popped the question...He ask her if she would like to get married. Mom said, "Nope, I'm going to see the world, ask me when I get back." Daddy said ok. He walked Mom to her home on Jackson Street. She ask him if he would be coming by her house tomorrow. Daddy informed her if she wasn't ready to get married there was no need of him coming back around. She just looked at him and said, Well, Ok. A few days later after not hearing from Daddy. Mom set down and wrote him a letter. She sent it to Daddy via his sister. In the letter Mom told Daddy how much she adored him and she could never find another good man like him no matter where she went in this world. Three weeks later they were married. Daddy said he would give anything if he still had that letter.
I would too, letters like these are precious memories of our past.
To set and watch Daddy's eye's light up telling me the story of how him and Mom fell in love is a day that I will cherish. After 62 years of marriage they still hold hands.