Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Number 35

It's the 35th Red, White & Blue Festival and it's my 27th time to be part of it. For 27 years I have heard it all and been called it all. But I never let those who complain dampen my spirits. Some have tried their best to run me out of town, heck they had already taken over and was calling the shots. But little did they know that I don't give up that easy. Some have gripped, complained, whined and threw a fit that the festival is nothing more than nasty Carine folks. Well, those people need to look back at the many kids and adults that have benefited from festival funds. Why, some folks have spent many a year in a booth serving up food so that their child could have an awesome prom or have a chance to go on the senior trip. How soon they forget.....Look at the thousands of dollars that Phi Beta Psi has sent to Cancer Research, it's over $30,000.00.
But, having the festival is more than this. You have no ideal the pride that I feel when I stand on the stage during opening ceremony and honor our veterans. It's not about me nor you. It's the opportunity that we have as Americans to be able to hold a festival in our community and pause for a moment and say thank you to those Veterans who have been shot at, wounded or came home in a body bag fighting for their country so that we can have the freedom that we have.
So many folks have gotten caught up in the, "look at me" attitude that they just want the glory of saying, I'm in charge and I'm the boss. They have no ideal what being part of the Red, White & Blue Festival is all about.
Opening Ceremony is at 6:30pm on Thursday night. We are honoring those Veterans that are no longer with us. I invite you to bring a picture of your loved one and place it on the stage along with the others. Let's pause for a moment and simply say, "Thank You".

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