Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Getting back to normal??

Sunday afternoon Thomas and I went to the fair grounds to help Linda with the FFA landscaping. Linda and I talked about what was on our agenda for the rest of the week and I told her I would have withdrawal from not being with her and Denise everyday. After loading all the plants on the truck Thomas and I made out way to the Family Arts building and picked up my blue ribbon for my chocolate cake-- from scratch and a white ribbon for my blackberry cake-- make and bake with butter.
Monday morning was a--OK, lets get back to our normal daily routine....
I made my way to the flower shop, checked in with the Brownstown shop and organized the flower orders for the day. Then it was off to Salem to
judge flowers at the Washington County fair. I've been a judge for the past few years and really enjoy it. They were also judging cakes, pies and cookies and I got to sample a few of those in between judging. Yummm...
It was nice to be able to set on the porch and play with my four puppies last evening. I haven't been in a hurry to sell them.....it is going to be very hard to part with them.....but I'll still have Lily and Bristol.
Well, the phone is starting to ring..so it's back to normal!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another day at the fair....

Yesterday (Wednesday) was a perfect day at the fair. We were blessed with awesome weather. I finally got to go through all the buildings and see all the neat things. The newest trend for signing up for all the free stuff is-- using your address labels....yes the same one's we address our mail with.
No more writing your name hundred's of times, or waiting on your turn to use the ink pen. Just peel and stick!!
I finally made my way to the sheep barns to Denise and the rest of the Maxie clan. Denise won the Grand Champion Sheep in 4-H. Now that is a big deal...Denise works very hard with all her animals and she gives 110% at being the best she can be.
Tonight is my floral design show at the Horticulture Building. So if you have the time drop by at 7:30 for a beautiful design show. I usually have about 25/30 ladies (and men) in attendance.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fair time....

Saturday was a busy day for me. I had to register my food entries into the Family Arts Building and then be back at the FFA building at 5pm to judge the students entries. I enjoy looking over the students work and reading their essays. The photography entries were awesome this year. After that was all done I helped Linda water the outside floral gardens, then it was over to the Sow and Litter contest. Dillion Maxie was so proud of his little pigs!!!! They were four days old and oh so cute.....Then he entered the biggest boar contest which he placed second in. Over 1,000 pounds--that's a lot of bacon and pork chops...
I have watched Dillion over the years at the fair and he has become the man to beat when showing pigs.
Sunday evening I attended the Queen Pageant. I just made it through the gate when the rain came. It was really coming down for a while. The contest had to stop a few times due to lighting and the heavy rains. But mother nature was always two steps behind the fair organizers. They were on top of things and by 10:30pm we had a new fair queen. The Crothersville girls looked very pretty. In my opinion we had the winner..but I wasn't judging that....
On my food entries I received first place on my- made from scratch
Chocolate Cake and a third place on my-make and bake with butter with my Blackberry Cake.
Its back to the fair tonight. The Maxie's are showing pigs at 5pm. I'm sure there will be more Blue ribbons tonight.
Oh, and make sure you read Denise's post in the Tribune today on her "life at the fair"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Puppies in a basket

Yesterday was a fun day....the puppies were scheduled for their first set of shots. It was fun loading them up in the truck. They actually enjoyed the ride over.
As I walked into the vets office all eyes were on my gorgeous baby's. I had placed them in a basket which made them even more attractive. Once we made our way to the receptionist desk we were swarmed with the ahh's and ooh's. The puppies--Annie, Sgt. Major Bogie, BB and Bella were eating up all the attention they were getting. Of course the receptionist had to take their pictures and that made them even more excited.( I'll post pics as soon as I can figure out how!) The vet commented on how healthy they were and how their markings were just unbelievable. She stated that they were spoiled rotten and I had to agree with her on that. All in all it was a fun day and yes I was a proud momma and yes I was beaming and smiling ear to ear.The hard part is going to be....selling them :(

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It was a crazy day at the shop the phone rang all day for funeral orders in Brownstown, Crothersville and Austin. A bride and groom came in about 4pm today to check to see if their tux's had arrived and then ask me if I had time to design their wedding flowers!!!!! I knew they were getting married months ago and we talked a little and I told them to just let me know....well, they let me know alright. Really it's not too big of a deal. I knew her colors were pink and I ask if she had a favorite flower. I told her no problem. They will be ready. She said, "Whatever you want to do"
(my kind of bride)
But the best part of the day...............
I went to Brownstown to check on some things at the shop there and stopped by the house about 6:30 to check on Bristol......He seen me and got out of the chair and gave me kisses and laid his head on my shoulder....Thomas said he started feeling better this afternoon. About 3am this morning he woke me up and wanted to cuddle. I knew he wasn't feeling good. So I rubbed his back and tried to let him know that he was going to get better. There have been a lot of prayers for Bristol the last few day....Thanks to everyone!!
Well, I need to call it a day. I have the orders for tomorrow organized and the flower list is ready for the call to market in the morning.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Prayers for Bristol

Sunday about midnight Thomas and I headed to our vet with Bristol. He was not his normal self and was in a lot of pain. Had no appetite. Bristol is a very active Dachshund and has only been sick one other time when he had strep throat.
We took xrays and thought he might have gotten a hold of something but everything seem to be OK. There was a bit of cloudy matter around his pancreas and that seemed to concern the vet. Doc Brown was the vet on call and he did an excellent job. He took all of Bristol's vitals and even a stool sample. Those of you who know Bristol knows that if he had been feeling his normal self he would have never stood still for that procedure. Bristol was given 4 kind of pills and three shots and we headed home about 2am.
The pain shot put Bristol on a real tripper. He was all zoned out this morning at 5:30am. I woke up and was scared into tears--he was laying up against my back stiff, chilled and his eyes were glazed over. I pulled him up into my arms and checked for a heart beat and Praise Jesus he was still alive. We called the vet again and back to Brownstown Thomas headed by his self ( I had funeral work to get done.) We said our prayers for healing for Bristol before he headed out.
Upon arrival Doc Brown said he was drugged up. The pain shot had really messed him up. We are going to see how the next 24 hours goes. So when you say your prayers tonight lift one up for Bristol.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

cleaning closets....

Thomas and I have been talking about cleaning out one of our closets for quite some time now. Well, yesterday was the big day. Now this closet wasn't that bad. We didn't get in it daily. We had keep it tidy and we pretty much knew what was in there. We just needed to throw away stuff that was no longer needed.
Ever run across old pictures that you haven't looked at in years? Well, Thomas opened this one box and it was full of pics that he had taken at the races (late model, when he worked for Tader). Then there were pictures of all the deer's that he had killed and there was pics of Sarah and Sandra when they were little girls. We did find pictures of some of the old iron bridges that are no longer standing. Back when gas was less than a dollar we use to take Sunday drives with the girls. All of these drives did pay off for Sarah when she and her friends were running around she knew her way around Jackson County and they always thought she was cool cause she knew all the back roads and knew them by name. These pictures are priceless cause they are part of history. Kids now days have no ideal what a iron bridge is. Thomas packed these up and put them in a safe place.
The closet is all organized now, we threw away the stuff we no longer needed. After the trash was packed out guess where Thomas headed.....to the lazy boy with his box of pictures!