Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quietness of the country....

Howdy folks.......those of you who live in the city don't know what peace you are missing by not living in the country. The noise of the traffic, noisy neighbors and I'm talking loud neighbors and the ones who are always watching what you are doing. Out here in the country we don't really care what our neighbors do. But now when they leave for a period of time, we really keep an eye out for strange cars and pay more attention to what is going on. I've never lived in town. I have slept at the store before when I was swamped with funeral work or it was Valentines Day. But then I was to tired to worry about the noise.
I don't think my chickens, ducks, pigs and my turkey would care to live there either, I just can't see them being welcomed. They wouldn't care for the noise neither.
So I think we will just stay in the country....
By the way I have brown eggs for sale!!!!!

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