Saturday, July 5, 2008

cleaning closets....

Thomas and I have been talking about cleaning out one of our closets for quite some time now. Well, yesterday was the big day. Now this closet wasn't that bad. We didn't get in it daily. We had keep it tidy and we pretty much knew what was in there. We just needed to throw away stuff that was no longer needed.
Ever run across old pictures that you haven't looked at in years? Well, Thomas opened this one box and it was full of pics that he had taken at the races (late model, when he worked for Tader). Then there were pictures of all the deer's that he had killed and there was pics of Sarah and Sandra when they were little girls. We did find pictures of some of the old iron bridges that are no longer standing. Back when gas was less than a dollar we use to take Sunday drives with the girls. All of these drives did pay off for Sarah when she and her friends were running around she knew her way around Jackson County and they always thought she was cool cause she knew all the back roads and knew them by name. These pictures are priceless cause they are part of history. Kids now days have no ideal what a iron bridge is. Thomas packed these up and put them in a safe place.
The closet is all organized now, we threw away the stuff we no longer needed. After the trash was packed out guess where Thomas the lazy boy with his box of pictures!

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