Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Miss Lily Belle

Miss Lily is to the point where she can't jump up on the couch any more. She won't even try...she looks up to you with sad eyes.....and you can read her mind--I just can't jump up there my belly is too big....Thomas weighed her over the weekend and she was up to almost 10 pounds. Now mind you she only weighed seven pounds to begin with. Her belly is almost to the ground. I set with her in the evenings and rub her belly and you can feel the puppies moving around. My heart goes out to Lily and I try to make her as comfortable as possible. We go Thursday for our next ultra sound. We only have maybe 10/12 days left.
Doc says we will be able to see how big they are and determine if we will let her have them natural or have to take them.
Bristol has a hard time understanding why she don't want to play any more.....he takes his nose and rolls the ball to her and she just lays there. Men they just don't understand pregnancy.....

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